Why The Biological Clock Is Important?

Is it true that you have a clock inside of you? There is a timekeeping mechanism in the brain known as the life clock (นาฬิกา ชีวิต, which is the term in Thai). The biological clock is so vital to the working of almost everybody’s process that if this gets upset, your health suffers. In this article, we will discuss the biological clock and its importance in life.

Why biological clock is essential?

It can influence a wide range of factors immediately and indirectly. Awareness, appetite, heart rate, stress, immunity, mood and mood swings, sleep-wake cycle, immunity, walking, reproductive processes, circadian rhythms, daily rhythms, ultradian rhythms, etc. This extensive writing also highlights the significance of the biological clock to health.

Methods for Resetting Your Biological Clock

While it may seem simple, synchronising a biological clock can be challenging. Everything from fast-paced lifestyles to heavy workloads to peer pressure to the rest of it. It can be challenging to stick to a daily routine. But even minor adjustments will make a difference.

Learn when you sleep best and adjust your routine accordingly. Young children are typically early risers, while teenagers favour sleeping in. You can set a routine and time it according to the child’s age and needs.

Maintaining a regular eating schedule will train your digestive system to begin working when it should. It will aid in regulating both your weight and metabolic rate.

Regular exercise is essential for your body, brain, and spirit health. In addition to improving your health, it also boosts your abilities. Workouts that incorporate exercise are best done in the late afternoon. If you go for serious workout sessions like strength training, a time between 3 P.M. and 6 P.M. would be good. In the afternoon, your body is bursting with vigour. Planning a yoga session requires mobility, so the evening is a good time. It will reduce the chances of injuries. You must, therefore, establish a routine and commit to strictly adhering to it.


Resetting your life clock requires you to commit to a regimented schedule. Maintaining a regular schedule will undoubtedly be beneficial. It would be best if you also practised self-compassion. Just give yourself some time to adjust to the new routine. To maximise your efforts, do as much work as possible when you feel energised. If you keep at it, eventually, everything will work out.

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